Monday, September 28, 2015


Sunday, September 11, 2011

ART THOU ELIJAH -excerpt from a new book I'm writing on the ministry of Elijah. (rough draft)

-EJ Ouellette

I was invited to minister at a home in on St Josephs Island in Sault St Marie Ontario in 2001. It was from a good friend that often would take me on a small tour ministering in several homes and Church’s in the area. It was beautiful two story home on lake Superior. At the end of my speaking that evening I was answering questions about the prophetic. Someone had asked a question about my ministry exposing sin and about Gods judgments. Although God had told me in the past not to talk about it I assumed I was not throwing my pearls to the swine and answered a few questions about my hidden ministry. After all these were mostly leadership and mature Christians.
I never thought much about what I said as I made my way back to Toronto which was about a 10 hour drive from there. A day or two had gone by since then and I received a phone call in the middle of the night. Bleary eyed I answered the call with fear and trepidation. I mean after, calls in the middle of the night are rarely good.
Well you guessed it! It was a Pastor from a Church in S.S. Marie Michigan. He sounded very upset and told me that he had gotten my number from a friend in Nova Scotia just moments before. It was about 2am if I recall. I was not quite awake yet as he poured out his heart to me over the phone. He kept asking me to forgive him but I couldn’t figure out what he had done. Slowly the house meeting scenario came back to me and I started to slump in my chair.
This is what he said sorrowfully.
When he got home from the meeting that night his wife openly mocked me to him. She thought I was some kind of lunatic thinking that God had called me to this kind of Ministry to the Church. She was immediately rendered a quadriplegic and he rushed her to the hospital in Michigan where Drs performed every test possible but could find no reason for her inability to move her arms and legs. They performed MRI’s and Cat scans but found no reason for her condition.
He was calling me from the Hospital with his wife by his side and very worried. He apologized to me and put her on the phone as well, she also apologized to me through tears. I hung up the phone with a sick feeling in my stomach. The next day he called me again saying. That in no time at all she had gained use of her limbs and walked out of the hospital. Doctors had no explanation for the paralysis.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The coming revival. Some revelations the Lord gave me.

Today I was pondering some prophecies I received over several years. Sometimes God reminds me a lot of things that he told me over the years and they fit together like a big puzzle. Some of the puzzle pieces came as dreams others were revelations given to me in the night and some came as Rhema words during other times. Lately I seem to be running in to the dumbest of people. I can only equate the conversation to having a blind man tell me there's no such thing as color. I mean how do you answer to that? But often in the church of today that's exactly what it's like when God reveals to you some hidden things that he only tells those who are close to him. When I inquired of the Lord about the futility of the situation he showed me something that he has shown me many times in the past. I saw Jesus coming on a donkey, and only the children recognized whom he was. This is a constant reminder to me that he was invisible to the Pharisees and they were prevented from seeing who He really was and is, He did this on purpose because what he had and has was meant for the children and not for the brood of Vipers. Time and time again I have seen this principle repeated and seen the children enter in while the adults completely missed the boat. In the end, the marriage supper of the Lamb and those who were invited made excuses to why they couldn't come. God had shown me many times that the end time revival would be about God's love. That for the first time in a major outpouring, God's people would feel the manifest love of God. But exactly like at the marriage supper of the Lamb those that were invited won't even enter in and will reject this outpouring and say it is of the devil. This revival will be dominated by children and young people that will ignore these religious spirits and fall headfirst head-over-heels in love with the Lord. In essence this group will be the bride of Christ. A bride totally smitten and won't care what others think. They will be given understanding that the others couldn't come close to grasping. They will know who they are in the Lord and will be unmovable in him. It will be a Song of Solomon relationship. These children won’t be manipulated nor will their relationships be half hearted. They will jump in with both feet, not caring what the Pharisees (Christian Fundamentalists) of the day say. In fact the world will jump in before they do as in the marriage supper. “Go into the streets and find whoever will come”

EJ Ouellette

Sunday, August 23, 2015

John Oliver Exposed the Mega-Church Conmen—How the IRS Lets Them Get Away with It

John Oliver’s segment on televangelist prosperity preachers this week has exposed what some say is a massive system of fraud that is being carried out on vulnerable people with no government enforcement or oversight.
Oliver’s HBO show Last Week Tonight highlighted some egregious examples, including Robert Tilton, Mike Murdock and Creflo Dollar. Dollar came under scrutiny for raising money to buy himself a $65 million personal jet. Murdock boasted to his parish that he bought a jet with cash, and because he could sense so much jealousy, he bought another one worth three times more, again with cash.
The preachers are subscribers to something called “prosperity gospel,” a suspiciously self-serving idea that wealth is a sign of God’s favor. They tell followers that sending them money will result in receiving money, for which of course, there is no guarantee in the real world.

“Really the best way to say it is, it’s fraud in the name of God, but because it’s in the name of God our legal system turns a blind eye,” said Andrew Seidel, staff attorney for the Freedom From Religion Foundation. “It’s a religious pyramid scheme. And worse, it’s a religious pyramid scheme that’s based on spiritual blackmail.”